
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Post any problems or questions you have with the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

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By Coopers

I am using the traffic light widget and for some reason my lights refuse to turn on - instead they show a tiny circle in the top left of the actual light (presumably indicating the light is on) but the main light stubbornly stays off. I have checked the code, the calcs page works and is configured correctly and the black dote is moving correctly...everything works and is linked up but the light just does not play the game....HELP!
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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Coopers,

It could be that sometimes when copying and pasting widgets from one workbook to another workbook, Excel resets the font size of the text in any textboxes.

Take a look at the font size of the original and make sure the copy is the same.

Feel free to upload the file and we'll take a look.


By Coopers

Thanks for your quick response. I have uploaded my file. I am trying to create a number of linked spreadsheets using at the bottom level the traffic light widgets to show the state of play of various work streams and then at the higher level an overview dashboard for the governing body. I have completed the governing body and that all works well. I have now started on the more granular level dashboards which are focussing on three areas of work stream - charity, finance and resources. The progress of each work stream is shown by a traffic light and then the average of those traffic lights will feed into a number of dial style widgets. I think I am happy about the linking but the traffic light widget is not behaving as you'll see if you open up the charity dashboard and associated pink config and calc pages. I have re=adjusted the values because I need to show that performance above 75% is green, 50-75% is yellow and below 50% is red. The calc boxes for the first widget (I have not got as far as doing the other widgets) work, and the black dot appears in the right place but for some reason, as you will see, it does not register a nice bright flashing light - just this weird little circle in the top left of the activated light.

I have looked at the font sizes compared to the Euler example from which I copied these calc and config tables....but I cannot see what is going wrong. Please help as I have a deadline to meet!

Many thanks.

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By Coopers
Hi - just wondered if you have been able to help with my traffic light problem as I see my spreadsheet has not been downloaded yet. Any help you can provide would be really helpful. Many thanks.

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