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Radar Chart Changes Format

PostPosted:Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:30 pm
by donzel
I need your help, When I go to update my chart the format changes

Re: Radar Chart Changes Format

PostPosted:Sat Jul 28, 2018 11:58 pm
by DashboardWidgets
Hi Donzel

We took a quick look at your radar chart and you've done everything correctly apart from the final step - which is to link the radar chart to the pink table that has been created for your data on the "Calculations Tab".

The easiest way to do this is as follows.

1. On the DASH tab select the radar chart (either pick it directly or use the selection pane HOME>FIND&SELECT>SELECTION PANE>RADAR CHART).

2. With the radar chart selected click CHART TOOLS>DESIGN>SELECT DATA. You should see something like the image below...
Donovan Radar1.jpg
3. In the "Legend Entries" pane you should see a total of 10 data series (Series1, Series2, Series3, etc...). There are 10 data series - one for each of the donut chart rings (10 in total!).

4. Select "Series1" and then EDIT in the "Legend Entries" pane. Click the RED ARROW next to the "Series Values" sub-window and select the first row (='My Calculations'!$D$30:$S$30) of the pink table on the "My Calculations" tab.

5. Repeat for Series2 to Series10.

Hope this helps - if you need us to make a video showing the above steps feel free to get in touch.

